Sue Sutherland is the Joint International Coordinator of the International Christian Dance Fellowship and has held various roles within the ICDF and ICDF Britain. She is a writer and has written a trilogy of Biblical fiction novels, called Leaving Bethany Series, the story of Martha of Bethany. Her blogs on the forgotten role of women in the Bible and Christian history can be found on her website.

WORKSHOP: Creatively Writing Midrash Using the Bible

Have you ever read a story in the Bible and wondered about what happened next, or even before. Do you want to creatively explore the Bible and write a short story or poem?

Using an ancient method of Bible meditation called Ignatian Contemplation, we will explore a story from the gospels and give pointers on how to write a short story or poem. 

This workshop is open to everyone, and no previous experience of writing is necessary. 

All are welcome.