Lucy Jarasius
Lucy has been deeply involved in ICDF for many years, navigating global leadership
and ministry roles while finding renewal through Scripture and her faith in Jesus. Her
lifelong passion for dance, faith, and learning has led her to study, travel, and explore
creativity. Along the way, she developed a keen interest in the Ascension Giftings,
particularly through knowing Alan Hirsch, the renowned incarnational missiologist
and author of “The Forgotten Ways” and “5Q” missional intelligence.
A wife, mother, stepmother, and grandmother who works in social services, Lucy
sometimes struggles to find time for dancing. However, by centering her days on
God’s presence, she balances her roles and ministries. She leads teams for ICDF
Australia’s The New Thing initiative and volunteers as an educator and facilitator,
integrating dance and creativity into ministries such as Anabaptist Association of
Australia and New Zealand (AAANZ), the Australian Student Christian Movement
(ASCM) and World Student Christian Federation (WSCF).
WORKSHOP: Make SOME WAVES: be APEST for the Kingdom Come
This workshop empowers dance creatives to embrace their missional calling and live
out the "Jesus-patterned" way of being the Church. Using dance as a holistic
expression of Christian faith, it introduces the APEST framework (Apostolic,
Prophetic, Evangelistic, Shepherding, Teaching) based on the Ascension giftings in
Ephesians. Participants explore how these roles equip and mature the Body of Christ
to bring God’s transformative love to the world.
Through creative worship arts, the workshop encourages participants to deepen their
understanding of this five-fold ministry, fostering unity and diversity in faith
expression. Open to all, regardless of dance experience, it offers a starting point for
integrating these practices into daily life and ministry, with the ultimate goal of
helping creation flourish as God intended.